Sunday, June 28, 2009


I'm still reeling from the surprisingly large amount of Molson beer I was able to drink within the course of one band's set, but Boris was really good tonight. Rolled in with the sisters M. We came in halfway through Torche's set, which wasn't terrible, but was pretty boring stoner metal ala Sleep, without the structure. Boris was rad though...They had a second guitar player, two Space Echo's, an Ebow, and tube amps that have really fucked up my hearing for the night. The drummer had a mic, not to sing, but to yell, "Woooo!" whenever necessary. Made me think of Timmy as a drummer. Tons of smoke, so good, Japan understands drone metal way better than anybody else.

I just wish the sound guy at St. Andrews wouldn't wash out all the mid-range with bass & shit. It probably works for top 40 hip hop, but sounds like garbage on Orange amps turned up full bore.

We drove past the Warped Tour (@ Comerica) on the way in...Didn't see any of 'em at Boris...Chumps. Their loss.

album of the day:

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